In Estrella Galicia we are non-conformist by nature, that is why we fight every day to make the best beer possible, not only on the inside, but also on the outside.
Therefore, as part of our constant commitment, we have decided to change our image to be more sustainable every day.

All of our labels come from sustainable forests.

By lightening our non-returnable bottles by 12%, we avoid the generation of 10K tons of waste per year.

We have never used plastic rings because our packs have always been made of cardboard, 100% recyclable. In addition, we use the cardboard waste from our factory to produce our own boxes and trays.

Carbon footprint
We care a lot about the footprint we leave in the world, that is why with this change of image we reduce our carbon footprint by more than 9K tons of CO2.

All of our cans are made from aluminium, a metal that can be endlessly recycled.

In the shrink wrapping of our packs and in the trays of 24 cans we use 50% recycled plastic.

Facilities 0 emissions
Making the best beer possible also means making it in the best possible place, which is why our facilities are now zero emissions.

UN pact
For a few months now we have joined the UN Global Pact, with which we reinforce our commitment to continue improving the care of our environment every day.